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Thy Kingdom Come: A Social Justice Series


This series is scheduled to take place at St. Ignatius Martyr, a parish served by members of the Order of the Holy Cross, this summer. With sessions exploring the scriptural roots of the social doctrine of the church (June 22nd), Catholic social teaching since Rerum Novarum (June 29th), our Christian call to be present to those who are economically poor and homeless (July 6th), and the claims our shared faith makes on our relationships with our migrant kin (July 13th), Thy Kingdom Come is a collaboration between pastoral agents, practitioners, and scholars to learn more about how we can honor human dignity and serve the common good. The presentation I’ve been invited to give will explore some of the gifts Catholic tradition shares with us on the topic of immigration, provide opportunities for discussion and discernment, and continue to develop relationships with organizations here in Austin serving our migrant siblings. Given our commitment to engage responsibly with the recommendations of public health officials relating to the pandemic, please check back for updates as the summer nears.

NB: The Bridge Poster by John August Swanson featured in this post is available for purchase here.